Gold, the king, reigns supreme in times of turmoil, a steadfast haven. But silver, its nimble younger sibling, dances to a different beat. More industrial, more volatile, it offers potentially higher rewards – and risks. Which metal better reflects your investment temperament? A portfolio diversified with both might be the wisest kingdom of all. The choice, ultimately, is yours.
Spotting Fake Gold: A Guide to Authentic Gold Validation
The glint of gold, a siren’s call…but beware. Counterfeit charisma hides beneath many a gilded surface. This isn’t your grandpa’s gold rush; sophisticated fakes demand discerning eyes. Learn to decipher the subtle cues: weight, hallmark scrutiny, acid tests, and the tell-tale signs a charlatan’s touch leaves behind. Unmask the truth; validate your gold.
Top Gold Stocks to Watch This Year: Analyst Recommendations
What are the best gold mining stocks to invest in now according to analysts? Top Gold Stocks to Watch This Year: Analyst Recommendations The gold market is a dynamic arena, influenced by a range of macroeconomic factors. Interest rate hikes, inflation concerns, and geopolitical instability can all considerably impact gold prices and, consequently, the performance […]
Gold Long Term Analysis: Gold Prices Could Hit $25000 in Future
2019 has been an amazing year for the gold and gold mining stocks. However, the recent gold rally is far from over. The fundamental reasons behind an explosive gold run in the future were discussed in an earlier article 8 Reasons to Buy Gold and Gold Mining Stocks. This post is focused on the long […]
Commodities are Extremely Undervalued as This 100-year Chart Shows
Commodities are Extremely Undervalued! New study plotting US equities against raw material prices going back to 1970 points to 112% upside for commodities just to return to trend.
8 Reasons to Buy Gold and Gold Mining Stocks
Casey Research published two articles listing 8 reasons why they think we are on the verge of “an epic gold bull market”. Their chief analyst Nick Giambruno believes we are about to see a remonetization of gold, a paradigm shift in the international monetary system, of an order not seen since 1971. Gold skyrocketed over […]
Californian gold project yields high-grade mineralization for Rise Gold
The Vancouver-based miner is exploring the past-producing Idaho-Maryland gold mine, located near Grass Valley in northeastern California.
Platinum to Gold Ratio Indicator Looks Bullish for Gold
Platinum to Gold ratio has a brief but clear history as a leading indicator for Gold.
Around major bottoms in precious metals, Platinum tends to outperform and lead Gold. Since February Platinum has strongly outperformed Gold while registering an important positive divergence.
Investment in Mining Rising Significantly: $6 Billion Ready to be Invested
Fundraising by unlisted funds for investment in natural resource reached a record $93 billion last year, and is likely to top $100 billion as more data becomes available. Unlisted funds raised $2.5 billion for investment in mining last year vs $700 million to buy farmland.
First Mining Announces Improvement in the Indicated Resource at Goldlund
First Mining Gold (TSX: FF) has updated the resource estimate at its Goldlund gold project in northwestern Ontario. The company added 248,700 oz. gold to its indicated resource but lost 628,400 oz. gold from its inferred resource. The project now contains 12.8 million indicated tonnes grading 1.96 grams gold for 809,200 oz. gold. It previously […]